The theatre and circus show Mandragora Circus was created by its members, Mariana Silva y Juan Cruz Bracamonte and premiered in 2003 in the city of Trelew, Chubut, Patagonia Argentina.

In 14 years of uninterrupted performances has been presented in more than 40 countries around the world. In the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa.

“A simple show, delicate, with touches of humor, great body and gesture handling and an attractive consistency in the story“.
Danza Hoy Magazine, Washington D.C, United States. 2014

With over 1000 presentations, selected performances are:

  • The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Washington D.C, United States
  • 31st International Theatre Festival, Valize, Poland
  • International Theatre Festival, Ulaambaatar, Mongolia
  • International Arts Festival. kampala, Uganda
  • International Theatre Festival for Children and Youths. Bethlehem, Palestine
  • V Performing Arts Festiva. Panama
  • Contemporary Dance Festival. Amman, Jordan
  • International Theatre Festival for Children. Bucharest, Romania
  • Theatre Festival of Nuevo León. Monterrey, México
  • Week of the Francophonie. Addis Ababa, Etiopía
  • The Yukon Arts Center. Whitehorse, Canadá
  • International Theatre Festival for Children. Banja Luka, Bosnia y Herzegovina.
  • VII International Theatre Festival of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
  • Iberoamerican Theatre Festival for Children and Youths. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
  • Arts Festival for Children, Centro Cultural Kirchner, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • International Book Fair in the Zocalo. Mexico
  • International Theatre Festival for Children. Tunis
  • International Theatre Festival for Children. Bogota, Colombia
  • International Theatre Festival. San Martin de los Andes, Argentina

The first presentations of Mandragora Circus were in Argentina. In 2005 the show was chosen to represent the Patagonia Region in the “XX National Theater Festival”.

The following years was presented touring the country, participating in Theater Festivals and performing seasons in different theaters of 18 provinces and more than 56 cities.

“A sensitive and beautiful show supported by its magic, stage poetry, circus and music that without a word communicates deeply into the souls of children and adults”.
El Chubut. Esquel Argentina 2004

From the year 2010 and today Mandrágora Circus is presented on an International and Permanent tour. Over the last 7 years the show has been presented in more than 40 International Theater Festivals in 4 continents.
Traveling steadily the show has been presented in more than 300 cities around the world.

“The show performed by Argentinean clowns from Patagonia, is a piece of wonder and happiness. Combines different kinds of artistic expression and the type of entertainment that makes children cry out with delight”
The Star. Johannesburg, South Africa. 2016